Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Book 6: Chapter 9 (My version)

Book 6 isn't out yet so I am going to post my own version of the things that might happen. I do not own Skulduggery Pleasant. Derek Landy does. Sorry if I destroy your favorite characters. I'm not that great of a writer. What happens here is what I think should happen, to some degree. Kind of.
Chapter 9
The group made a quick stop in Roarhaven, to tell Ghastly about their rescue mission. The quick stop quickly became a long stop when as they took twenty minutes to explain to him that Cleavers really weren’t a good idea because they attracted too much attention. This mission was incognito. Then they’d had to spend another twenty minutes trying to convince him that as an Elder, he couldn’t just go around attacking people. Finally, they were able to go find Lord Vile.
“Where do you think he is?” Fletcher asked.
“I don’t know but I think that our little magician here can tell us.”
Jay was currently staring at the moon and trying not to trip on the uneven ground of the land around the Sanctuary. She stumbled and Fletcher caught her. She flashed him a grateful smile before going back to staring at the moon.
“Her? What can she do?”
“Well, according to rumors, though those aren’t always true, people able to do Pure Magic can sense other types of magic.”
“Oh, that’s true,” Jay said, suddenly appearing at Fletcher’s elbow. “I can sense magic to some degree but I have to be relatively close to do it. I don’t think I could find Lord Vile unless he happens to be right around the next corner.”
“Ah, okay, in that case we have no plan.”
“Except…” she trailed of an incredibly thoughtful expression on her beautiful face. “Yes?” Skulduggery prompted.
“Huh? Oh, right, yeah. Um, well, in the book that I was reading, it hinted at something like a trace on magic but I don’t remember what it said.”
Fletcher frowned.
“A trace?” Jay nodded but didn’t say anything.
“Back to China’s then,” Skulduggery said, “I’m really not looking forward to seeing Valkyrie again. It will take a while to convince her she can’t come.”
“No, wait. Let me try something.” She grabbed Skulduggery’s sleeve and closed her eyes. He watched as her had started to glow.
“I hope nothing happens to my suit. That would be bad.” She opened her eyes again and sighed.
“Okay. I think I know where he is.”
“And you gathered that information from making my suit glow,” Skulduggery said a little skeptically. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her except he was very, very smart and he couldn’t figure out what she had just done. If he couldn’t figure it out then, who could?
“Well,” she said as if winding up for a long explanation and then she started to talk so quickly that Skulduggery almost couldn’t understand what she was saying. “Every time we do magic we leave a little a bit of magical residue. Vile did magic near you so you have some Necromancer magic on you. The trace spell, well, that’s pretty easy to figure out. I traced the source of the magic and then traced where that source was. As far as I know, what I did was nothing like what the book said but it worked so who cares. Also, I knew that he would be in the general area since Necromancers can’t teleport very far and since he is baiting Valkyrie. Also, since he is baiting Valkyrie, he left a pretty clear trail of magic. Also, the place he chose is pretty obvious in my opinion.”
Fletcher blinked quickly as he tried to keep up but Skulduggery knew that his brain couldn’t quite soak up so much information in such a small amount of time.
“Where?” Jay smirked a tiny little smirk
“Half a mile away from the Necromancer temple.”
“Mile? This is Europe we speak in kilometers,” Fletcher said.
“You know, I’m four hundred years old, and I still can’t convert from feet to meters. Americans are weird.”
Jay stared at him with a half offended, half mocking expression, which Skulduggery considered quite an accomplishment.
“It’s about 800 meters.”
“Oh, okay. Let’s go.”

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