Friday, May 13, 2011

Book 6: Chapter 12 (My version)

I think this chapter is kind of random. Nothing really happens. So I'm posting it with the last one. Also because Blogger was being annoying yesterday.

Chapter 12

It was a day and a half later, when she finally woke up. Fletcher had been getting worried, because she had been passed out for thirty-six hours. She lay on the large couch in Skulduggery’s house with a blanket strewn over her. When she started to stir, he leapt up and grabbed her hand. Valkyrie felt a pang of annoyance and jealousy but dispelled it.

“She’s his sister, you idiot. Plus, two days ago you were ready to beat him up.”

She turned to Jay.

“You’re awake!! We were so worried. Except Fletcher, he was more annoyed that whatever magic you did messed up his hair.”

Fletcher shot a hand up to his head.

“My hair is messed up?”

He pulled a small mirror out of his pocket and glared as the two girls broke into laughter.

“You – you carry a – a mirror in your – your pocket?” Jay managed to say in between bouts of laughter.

Fletcher frowned indignantly and then stormed out of the room. Valkyrie and Jay continued laughing for a few minutes and as their laughter slowly subsided to short giggles, Fletcher walked back in trying to keep what he probably thought was an indifferent expression on his face. The girls took one look at him and dissolved into laughter again. Fletcher tried glaring at them for a few seconds but in the end he had to laugh as well. The three of them laughed till their sides hurt and tears streamed down her face.

“So, why did you pass out?” Fletcher asked as Valkyrie leaned into him.

They were sitting on the floor, leaning against an armchair so that they could face Jay.

She squirmed a little uncomfortably and stayed silent for so long, Valkyrie thought she wouldn’t answer but then she said,

“My magic is a little different from yours. You can never at any point in time use more than you are ready for. If your body can’t handle, say teleporting to Australia, you won’t be able to. For me everything is dumped on me immediately and if I use more magic than I can handle I pass out or get really tired. Pushing Vile’s magic away so that you could teleport was more than I could manage.”

“Well, I’m grateful, and I was worried about you, not just my hair.”

His face was so, falsely indignant that they all fell back into a bout of laughter. Skulduggery burst into the room.

“What’s going on?”

His bewilderment at only finding a regular teenage scene in his home mad everyone laugh even harder until they had to bury their hands into their faces to avoid seeing each other trying not to laugh.

“Hey, Skulduggery. Why didn’t you tell Ghastly about our plan to save Tanith?” Fletcher asked as he calmed down.

This sobered everyone up.

“Because, we don’t even know if it will work and I don’t want to break his heart all over again.”

“Well, if Ghastly is an Elder, we could use his influence to find her,” Valkyrie said.

She didn’t want to break Ghastly’s heart but they needed to find Tanith all the same.

“You’re right – “

“Of course.”

“Which is why I’ve already called Erksine to help us out. He already has people looking. I think they’ll find her before the week is done.”

Skluduggery, looking very proud of himself indeed, marched off to the newly built kitchen. He had found that with Valkyrie and Fletcher staying over more and more, he would need some new things in his house. Now he had two bedrooms and a kitchen as well as a bathroom with a shower that Fletcher and Valkyrie found themselves arguing about a lot.

“What do you need to do it?” Fletcher asked Jay.

She sighed.

“Not much. I need to save my magic and also during the process, I need to borrow magic from you guys, as much as possible. Other than that, nothing, really.”

“Will it hurt?”

Valkyrie and Jay stared at Fletcher.

“I don’t care if hurts as long as it brings Tanith back.”

Jay shook her head.

“Nah, it won’t hurt. You’ll probably feel a little weak afterwards but it won’t hurt.”

“Okay, all I have to do is bring her back,” Valkyrie thought, “All I have to do is give some magic.”

So why did she feel so uneasy?

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