Saturday, May 14, 2011

Book 6: Chapter 13 (My version)

So this chapter is kind of weird and it has a lot of coincidences and it really isn't that realistic all of which bothers but I don't want to rewrite it so here you go.
Chapter 13

Suddenly, Tanith burst into the room. No, not Tanith, the Remnant, not Tanith. Valkyrie repeated this over and over in her mind like a chant but she couldn’t make herself believe it. It looked, talked and moved like Tanith and Valkyrie missed her friend too much to completely count her out. We have a plan. Don’t forget. Catch her and get that thing out. The Remnant/Tanith had her sword in hand and a blazing look in her eyes. She was mad. This had happened twice before, whenever Valkyrie caused trouble or made a huge mess. Valkyrie jumped from her chair with flames already in her hands. Fletcher disappeared and reappeared with a gun in his hand. He had been taking lessons from Skulduggery. Jay was sitting on the couch, seeming incredibly bored with the situation.

“So, this is the new girl. She doesn’t seem like much.”

Tanith’s sneer hurt Valkyrie almost physically. Tanith never sneered like that, only the Remnant did. Valkyrie caught Fletcher’s eye and hoped he would read what she was trying to stay. For all his small amount of brain capacity, Fletcher was actually very good at reading people and caught on immediately. He disappeared. Tanith eyed the room cautiously, preparing to fight whatever came at her. Out of the window, Valkyrie saw Fletcher reappear with Skulduggery with him. Then, Fletcher appeared behind the sofa that Jay was sitting on.

“You’re Remnant girl, right?” Jay asked.

“Yep, that’s me.”

Jay nodded.

“Cool. So how’s life, as a Remnant, you know.”

“It’s great really. I just go around wreaking havoc and attacking innocents. It’s fun.”

Jay nodded. Both their voices were nice and calm but Tanith hadn’t lowered her sword and Jay had one hand behind her back. Valkyrie couldn’t tell what she was doing but was sure that it wasn’t because that was the most comfortable position for her hand to be in. Suddenly, the window to Valkyrie’s left shattered and Skulduggery flew in. Jay stood up, throwing her knife at Tanith at the same time that both Fletcher and Skulduggery fired and Valkyrie threw her fire. Tanith deflected the bullets with her sword and dodged one of the fireballs but the other one hit her in the foot and Jay’s knife imbedded itself into her shoulder. Valkyrie shot shadows at the Tanith/Remnant and managed to pin it to the floor. It struggled but couldn’t break free from the shadow’s strong hold.

“Can you do it?” Valkyrie yelled at Jay.

Jay shook her head and calmly said, “No, I can’t. I still am weak from fighting Vile. I can barely feel the magic around me.”

“So what do I do?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, I can’t just keep her here forever.”

“That’s not my problem.”

Skulduggery graciously stepped in between the arguing girls.

“How about we take her to the Sanctuary? They can keep here there for a little while.”

“What about Ghastly? He kind of owns the place and he has to find out at some point that his ex-girlfriend is hanging in there.”

“Yes, well I’m starting to think that telling him won’t be such a bad idea. It would help us use his resources to help her. I’m going to tell him today, when we drop her off.”

“Why is it that when I suggested that two days ago, you decided that I was being completely irrational?”

“Because it sounds a lot more convincing when it comes from a trusted source.”

Valkyrie glared at his back as he knelt by Tanith. He cuffed her hands and dragged her to her feet. She stumbled a little because of her wounds in her legs but Skulduggery forced her to stand. He tried to half carry, half drag her to the car but when she started kicking, he signaled to Fletcher.

“To the Sanctuary, if you please Mr. Renn.”

Fletcher grabbed Tanith’s other arm and then waited for Jay and Valkyrie to get to them and then he teleported.

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