Monday, May 16, 2011

Book 6: Chapter 14 (My version)

Okay, this chapter is another random one where nothing really happens and is only vaguely important. Please put up with me. I swear things get a little more interesting.

Chapter 14

They appeared in the main hall of the Sanctuary and several people jumped at their sudden arrival. One man tripped over a briefcase and fell into two other men who shouted and fell as well. Three Cleavers ran in to inspect the commotion. What they found was, three men lying on the floor looking outraged and two teenage girls laughing so hard, tears ran down their faces. After Jay and Valkyrie calmed down, they went to Ghastly’s office. Ghastly was filling out some forms. His office was filled with mannequins and pieces of cloth, making it look more like a tailor’s shop than an Elder’s office. He looked up and his face split into a grin as he saw Jay and Valkyrie come in. Then it fell as Skulduggery and Fletcher walked in, supporting Tanith.

“You found her.”

He looked as if he wasn’t sure whether to be happy or sad that they had captured Tanith.

“Yes and we have a plan to bring her back. But it’ll take a few days to set up. I need somewhere to keep her.”

Ghastly jumped up, sending his chair and various mannequins tumbling backward.

“You what?”

Skulduggery was about to answer when an ugly sound stopped him. Tanith, who apparently had only been pretending to be unconscious, had started to laugh.

“Save me? It’s impossible.”

Ghastly flinched and paled, throwing his scars into even further relief.

“Okay, time to get you out of here,” Skulduggery said brightly and steered Tanith out of the room.

Valkyrie heard him say, “The holding cells Fletcher,” before the door swung closed.

“You can save her?”

Ghastly’s voice had become thin and weak. His eyes were wide and pleading.

“Um, well,” Jay began and spent the next hour trying to explain what they were going to do. Ghastly was very quiet. At first, as she explained the dangers his face seemed to sink farther and farther down, but as she continued speaking his expression changed more to one of wonder.

“So, you think it will work?”

“Were you not listening to anything I said? I think there is a chance that it might work but there are many possibilities that it won’t.”

“So you think it might work?”

“Yes, emphasis on the might.”

“Can I have a percentage?”

Jay sighed exasperatedly.

“No. You can’t. Deal with it.”

“Sorry,” Ghastly said sheepishly, “This really means a lot to me.”

Jay nodded but said nothing.

“Okay, she’s locked up.”

Skulduggery appeared with Fletcher at Jay’s shoulder making her jump. They watched as she took a few minutes to calm down.

When she was breathing normally again, Skulduggery said, “I think that you also want to keep her safe as well because if she has to defend herself with magic she won’t be able to save Tanith until later.”

Ghastly nodded.

“She can stay in one of the empty rooms here. She’ll be surrounded by Cleavers and magicians. No one will hurt her. That okay with you Jay?”

Jay looked up and nodded.

“Cool, now that that’s all settled what do you say we get a pizza and watch Star Wars,” Valkyrie said.

“Again?” Fletcher complained.

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