Sunday, May 8, 2011

Book 6: Chapter 8 (My version)

Book 6 isn't out yet so I am going to post my own version of the things that might happen. I do not own Skulduggery Pleasant. Derek Landy does. Sorry if I destroy your favorite characters. I'm not that great of a writer. What happens here is what I think should happen, to some degree. Kind of.
Chapter 8

Valkyrie was scared. Lord Vile was baiting her. He obviously knew where she was and who her friends were. She wasn’t scared for herself. She rarely was. Right now she was scared for Fletcher, as annoying as he was, and for Skulduggery. If Lord Vile was looking for her, she would be found. It was only a matter of how many people he killed in between to get to her. She figured Ghastly was moderately safe as an Elder but what about everyone else? Lord Vile might even kill Tanith, despite the fact that she was a Remnant. Maybe, bringing her back was a bad idea right now. She looked at Skulduggery as he thought.

“Okay, here is what we’re going to do. We’re going to find Vile. I think I know where he is. Valkyrie, you’re not going. Before you protest, remember that China was bait and you are the fish. Don’t be a stupid fish and don’t fall for the bait.”

“Okay, but he probably expects you two to show up at least so he will be prepared for you. You guys shouldn’t be stupid fish either because then it’ll just give him more bait.”

Skulduggery nodded.

“I know which is why I’m going to bring my secret weapon. Jay Paragon.”

Valkyrie blinked and started to smile.

“Um, no. That won’t work. Val, you were there when she said that she couldn’t fight a necromancer. She’ll die and won’t be much help.”

“Maybe, but she might also be able to destroy his traps and deal with any crazy minions that he has. I’m pretty sure that she can deal with vamps, zombies, or Hollow Men. If everything goes according to plan Vile won’t even know we were there.” Fletcher frowned.

“Okay, she can go on one condition.”

“Since when do you get to say whether she gets to go or not.”

“I’m her brother and I don’t want her to die. My condition is that as soon as we see Vile, we’re out of there. Deal?”

“That would have been the plan in any case. None of us is anywhere near able to fight him.”

“Okay then. Let’s tell her we’re going to send her to her death.”

Fletcher disappeared and appeared again in less than a second with Jay next to him. She looked a little sick but it passed. She glared at Fletcher.

“A little warning, please?”

Fletcher grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“What’s up?”

Skulduggery quickly summarized what they wanted her to do. As soon as he finished she started to talk in a quick stream.

“I can’t fight Vile. I am not powerful enough and he’s incredibly powerful. Don’t make me do this.” Fletcher reached out and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Relax, they agreed. As soon as we see Vile, we’re out of there. Okay? We only need you as a blind spot in his plan.”

Jay seemed very worried but she agreed in the end. Then it was Valkyrie’s turn to argue.

“I have to go. I can’t just wait around to see if you are captured. Please don’t make me.” Skulduggery shook his head.

“No, the trap will be set for you so that no matter what anyone does, you’ll be caught. Don’t do this to yourself you stupid fish.”

Valkyrie glared at him for a few seconds and was about to argue again when Fletcher said, “Please, for me. I can’t lose you, okay? Stay here and wait for us to come back.”

He kissed her hard on the lips and then once, gently on the forehead. Valkyrie found that she couldn’t argue anymore and she sat back down.

“What do I do then? I can’t just wait. You know me better than that.”

“Look for your friend. Find her so I can bring her back,” Jay said. Her eyes glowed and her face split into a sweet smile.

“I promise to bring them back. I am very good at gauging danger unlike these two idiots. If I think we can’t make it then BAM!” she clapped her hands together and everyone jumped a little, “Fletcher will teleport us away.”

She liked this girl, as crazy and messed up as she was. She would keep her promise, Valkyrie was sure about that. Valkyrie sighed and turned to Skulduggery.

“Seriously, I seem to ask you this a lot, but what are we waiting for?”

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