Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Book 6: Chapter 15 (My version)

Yay!!! Something happens!!! This is also a very subtle message to Derek Landy. Very subtle. BRING HER BACK DEREK!!!!!

Chapter 15

The next two days were uneventful for everyone except Jay. They were used to training in fighting and magic. Jay, who had lived a relatively normal existence up till then was suddenly thrown into fighting lessons with the best fighters in the Sanctuary. Skulduggery and Valkyrie taught her various martial arts. In return, Jay taught them how to fight with knives. Valkyrie was a natural but Skulduggery said that he preferred his gun. Skulduggery taught her magical theory, though she wasn’t able to put any of her lessons into practice as she prepared to save Tanith. Slowly, Jay learned the way that things worked in the Irish Sanctuary. When she woke up on the third day after having brought Tanith to the Sanctuary in her small bedroom, she felt fully rested.

“Today?” Ghastly asked.

At least today Jay was able to give him a positive answer.


Ghastly’s face lit up and he practically laughed out loud.

“When do we start? Now?”

Jay laughed.

“You sound like a little kid, Ghastly. I want to eat breakfast first and then we can get Skulduggery, Fletcher, and Valkyrie here. Anyone else who can help will be appreciated.”

Ghastly nodded excitedly.

“I’ll see who I can get.”

Then he practically ran off.

Chuckling to herself, she made her way to the eating area where she had a very unappetizing breakfast and then walked to Tanith’s cell. Skulduggery was already there helping to keep her subdued as they carried her into an empty room where they were going to do it. They lay Tanith down on the floor, with Cleavers pinning her down by the arms and legs. It was barely enough but it worked. They had a Soul Catcher ready for when and if the Remnant came out. Ghastly had somehow convinced twenty mages to get together to help with the process. Most of them had curious expressions on their faces as they leaned forward to see history in the making.

“Ready?” Valkyrie asked.

She, Skulduggery, and all the other mages helping were sitting in a circle around Tanith. Jay nodded and placed her hands on Tanith’s stomach. She could feel her strong muscles coiling as the Remnant fought against her bonds. She forced herself to relax, allowing magical energy to build up in her hands. She saw them start to glow. In a few seconds she began to feel weak and she felt for the other mages’ magic. She closed her eyes and allowed her mind to wander a little. She saw light, a soft, dim light where each of the mages sat. Each was a slightly different color. Fletcher was blue, Skulduggery and Ghastly and presumably all the other Elementals in the room were a reddish color. Valkyrie’s red was mixed in with black and shadows. The Cleavers were gray as they had no magic of their own and were only magical themselves. She felt Tanith in front of her. Her magic was yellow but the light was dimmer than that of the others and it seemed to flicker a little. Jay allowed her mind to reach out and go into the lights, and then she pulled some of it out with her. She her small gasps as she did this but ignored them. She could feel the magic building up in her hand and they started to feel heavy and hot. After a few minutes they were burning painfully so she let the magic go into Tanith’s body. Tanith started to struggle even harder. Jay’s eyes flew open as the Cleavers lost their hold on her for a second. Three mages jumped forward and helped pin her again. Tanith’s skin was glowing, pulsing with a soft, white light. As soon as she was on the ground again, Jay started pushing more magic in, building it up and letting it go. After the third blast of magic, Tanith started to gag. Her body heaved and her eyes and lips turned black. Valkyrie was crying at her place in the circle, and Fletcher had his arm around her, trying to keep her calm, but he seemed on the verge of tears himself. Finally, they saw a black ghost start to rise out of her throat. It squirmed and struggled to get out as Jay’s magic weakened it. Finally, when Tanith started to turn blue, it shot out straight into the soul catcher. Jay stopped pushing the magic into Tanith’s body. Black spots filled her vision. She fainted to the sound of applause.

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