Friday, May 6, 2011

Book 6: Chapter 6 (My version)

Book 6 isn't out yet so I am going to post my own version of the things that might happen. I do not own Skulduggery Pleasant. Derek Landy does. Sorry if I destroy your favorite characters. I'm not that great of a writer. What happens here is what I think should happen, to some degree. Kind of.

Chapter 6
China was angry. She didn’t want that upstart back. Tanith Low was too cocky and annoying to be back in her life. Ghastly would be happy. Ugh. Happiness was bad for her. Being nice was bad for her and yet she couldn’t bring herself to do what was necessary to sabotage them. She knew that no matter how well she masked it, Skulduggery would find out. He would never forgive her. He would hate her. She couldn’t have that. Also, Valkyrie deserved some happiness. Ugh. That word again. She was being nice. She had never been nice to anyone before, but Skulduggery and Valkyrie were special. Especially Skulduggery. She actually liked them. No, she didn’t like Skulduggery. It was more than that but China wouldn’t let herself contemplate the possibilities. It would be very bad if things turned out that way especially since Skulduggery wasn’t, and would never be, over his dead wife and children. It was really too bad. A man like him single for so long was just a waste.
“Miss China Sorrows?” a deep voice said behind her. She wiped the annoyed expression and turned her full charm on. She needed to break someone’s heart today. As soon as turned though, she noticed that this man’s heart wouldn’t be broken. He was wearing full armor that curled and coiled with dark shadows. Before she could call out, shadows shot towards her and surrounded her like a cocoon. She started to scream but she knew inside her that no one could hear her. She tapped the symbols on her arms and two streams of light shot at the side of the cocoon but it just absorbed it. After three more tries, China came to the very reasonable conclusion that her magic wouldn’t do anything. She realized something else as well. She was being kidnapped.

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