Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Book 6: Chapter 10 (My version)

Book 6 isn't out yet so I am going to post my own version of the things that might happen. I do not own Skulduggery Pleasant. Derek Landy does. Sorry if I destroy your favorite characters. I'm not that great of a writer. What happens here is what I think should happen, to some degree. Kind of.
Chapter 10
Fletcher teleported them right into a puddle of mud. There was lot of that where they were. The ground was soft with moss and most of it was covered with water or mud. The rain had slightly flooded the graveyard that Lord Vile was using as a hideout.
“This is a very charming little place he’s got here. Maybe I’ll buy it off him at some point. I would just love to grow up here with my family and –”
“You ramble sarcastically when you get scared right?”
Jay’s green eyes turned to fire as she glared at Skulduggery.
“I’m not scared. Just a tad nervous and I keep on wondering if we have thought this all the way through.”
“Oh, we have not thought this all the way through but if we take any longer to think bad things may happen so we are doing things before they do. Okay?”
Jay nodded and they walked in silence.
“Can you feel if he’s here?” Fletcher whispered to Jay.
She closed her eyes.
“Yes, I think so. On the lower levels of the basement beneath the church.”
“And China?”
“Two levels above him. She does symbols magic right?”
Jay opened her eyes and then blinked like a cat that has just woken up.
“Are you okay?”
“Um, yeah, I think.”
Her face was slightly confused and Fletcher became slightly worried.
“I can take you back…” He trailed off under Jay’s glare.
It was almost as scary as Val’s was.
“I’m fine,” she snapped, “Let’s go.”
And so they did. They went into the church and down the trapdoor behind the altar.
“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” Fletcher asked in a very quiet whisper.
“No, I’m not. At this point all I know is go down and stay away from Vile.”
“Ah, okay.”
“Shut up before something hears us and gets us. Can you feel any magical energies Jay?”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes again.
“No. Nothing. Am I the only one who feels like this is too easy?”
Skulduggery shook his head and pressed farther down into the tunnel. Jay murmured something behind him but Fletcher didn’t catch it.
“I know what’s wrong.”
She seemed scared. In the dim light of the torches that lined the halls under the church her eyes seemed to turn black.
“What?” Fletcher seemed confused.
“Ever since we got down here something was bothering me. I can’t feel any magic.”
“Isn’t that a good thing.”
“No, no, not just magic traps. I can’t feel any magic at all. As in nothing. Only his necromancer magic and China’s magic.”
“Okay, and?”
“Well... I don’t know but it bothers me for some reason.”
Her face was screwed up into a very confused expression. Skulduggery shook his head and they continued walking. They came to a staircase and walked down three floors.
“One more down.”
Jay looked ready to sleep. Her cat eyes were narrowed to slits and her movements were sluggish. They got to China’s level and walked across the bottom to the room where she was being held. Skulduggery took out his gun and prepared to shoot. He held out his palm to blast the door open.
“Don’t!!” Jay practically yelled.
She thrust her hands out and a wave of light appeared before Skulduggery, absorbing the air as he displaced it. Her eyes were wide and she put her hand on the door. A flash of light appeared from her hand and traveled through the door and then faded except an area above the lock.
“It’s a trick. There is no way into the room without triggering whatever that does.”
“What do you think it does?”
“I don’t know!!”
“So what do we do?”
“We could blow up the wall,” Fletcher suggested.
They both stared at him until he had to blush.
“Just a suggestion.”
“That might actually work, if we do it very carefully and quietly.”
Jay nodded and Skulduggery proceeded to carefully hit an area on the wall over and over with the air so that each time a little more rocks fell away. Then Fletcher saw something at the end of the corridor where they had just come from.
“Hollow Men.”

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