Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Hey there world!!! I am now officially starting a new fan-fiction. Like the last one, it will probably suck but that's okay because no one reads this blog anyway. YAY!!! (I just made myself a little sad). I'm actually just writing here on this blog to improve my writing so I actually don't care how bad it is as long as it's better than last time. So here I go. (I apologize beforehand for any typos I may make. I' actually really bad at typing)

PS: Anything in this story that belongs to Derek Landy, does not belong to me because it belongs to him. I am not trying to steal his characters, just trying to use them to move my story along.

Kia was just a normal girl. True, she was a black belt in two different martial arts and was on her way for a third and, yes, she could beat up most of the guys in her grade without getting a scratch but that didn't mean she wasn't normal. Right? No one seemed to think so. She had plenty of friends at school and no one really hated her (as far as she knew) but no one thought she was normal. They would often tease her, that is after they realized that she wouldn't punch them if she did. It did made getting a date a little difficult if the guy thought that she would throw him over her shoulder if he said something wrong but Kia was getting used to that. There were plenty of guys at the martial arts clubs who were more than willing to go out with her. And just to clarify, Kia wouldn't do that. While she could throw them across the room easily, she had just a little more self control than that. Just because she did martial arts didn't mean that she was a violent person. To her it was just a sport like any other. So, while Kia wasn't unpopular at school, she was still not treated like a normal person. People would come up to her and ask her to do things for them like protect them from bullies or dogs and stuff but Kia always turned them down. Just because she was strong didn't meant that she had to protect everyone. Those people should learn to protect themselves. So she did manage to gather a small amount of resentment from the bully victims at school but she didn't mind. They weren't her problem after all. She just wished that they would treat her like any other girl at school. So, that was why, when she gained that new ability, she tried her best to ignore it. She managed well for the first two weeks or so but when the tall, thin man in the hat and the dark eyed girl visited her, there was nothing she could do to ignore it anymore.

She had just been sitting in her living room, eating a mini pizza and watching a TV show about vampires which she could have cared less about. Really, the TV was just on so that the house wouldn't be totally silent. Her mother and father had separated five years back. Kia lived with her father butthe man was always working, leaving the house at 6 and getting back around 9. It's not like they really needed the money. They actually lived more than comfortably in their 4 bedroom house and Kia, at 17 owned her own car. No, they didn't need the money but Kia had the sneaking suspicion that her father couldn't look at her anymore without seeing her mother. So, she was home alone at 8 o'clock when the man and the girl knocked on the door. Since she had gotten home from training at 6:30, her hair was still damp from her shower and she was in her pajamas, a large t-shirt and some boxer shorts. She looked towards the door and sighed irritatedly, pulling on a sweater to seem a little decent. When she opened the door she froze because the first thing she was was a really tall guy in a suspicious-looking overcoat. Immediately all of her defenses went up and as a martial artist that meant that she was ready to beat the hell out of the guy as soon as he tried something funny. Then, Kia caught sight of the dark eyed girl next to him. She was probably only a year older than Kia, dressed from head to toe in black,  and she moved in a way that Kia recognized all too well. This girl, whoever she was, knew plenty of martial arts as well.
"Can I do something for you?" Kia asked.
"Yes, we came to investigate something," the tall man said in a velvety voice.
"What, what?"
"What did you come to investigate?"
"Oh, you know, just something."
Kia raised her eye brows incredulously.
"Look, sir. I don't know who you are or what you want but can you please leave?"
"She's turning us away," he said to his partner.
"Yes, she is," the girl replied a little dryly as if she didn't really want to play along with this charade.
"Why do you think she's doing that?" he asked.
"She probably thinks that you're a bad guy. You do look really suspicious."
"What about you? You look like an assassin or something."
The girl rolled her eyes and pushed the guy back so that she was standing face to face with Kia.
"We have come to talk to you about that new ability that you recently developed."
Kia froze. She had only used it once, by accident, two weeks before. How did they know about it?
"I don't know what you're talking about," Kia replied, deciding to play dumb.
"She's lying," the tall man said from behind his partner.
"I can see that," she said. "Look we just want to help you."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Kia repeated.
"Wow, she's a good liar. I almost believed it that time," the tall man.
"Yeah," the dark eyed girl just watched her.
"Please can you go," Kia said, not sure why she was still trying to be polite.
"We know, okay? We know that you developed a new, strange ability and we want to help you."
Kia shook her head. This wasn't happening. These people were probably in the government. They would probably lock her up and send her off to some lab if they knew about what she could do. Just as Kia was contemplating running, the tall man stepped forward again and snapped his fingers. Kia expected a large number of fully armed guards to burst in from all over the place but instead, a small flame appeared in the man's palm.
"We have strange abilities too. Please, we are just trying to help."
Kia stared at the flame in his palm.
"How?" she asked.

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