Friday, June 29, 2012

Shockwave 8

So I'm starting to notice that my story isn't really going anywhere at all. I'll try to pick the pace up again so please don't hit me.

After another long car ride, they arrived at Skulduggery's house. Somehow Kia was not surprised at its location at all. It was a small little house, not very intersting, but somehow it seemed to suit the Skeleton Detective well. The sun was already falling as they pulled up into his driveway.
"Well, it seems a bit late. Maybe we'll sleep and then start training," SKulduggery said cheerfully.
"Wait what? You used to always train me no matter how late it was. Why does she get it easy?"
"Because she's cuter than you." Valkyrie looked back at Kia and Kia blushed instantly. They were not the first people to tell her she was cute. Kia supposed it might be true but she didn't really see it. Yes, she was small, which often seemed to be the first criteria for cute. She also had bright green eyes and a button nose. Her light brown hair was stick straight and stopped growing just past her shoulders but none of this made her look cute. Or that was her opinion anyway. The rest of the world seemed to disagree.
"Even if she is cuter than me." She didn't deny it. "That is no reason for special treatment."
Just as these words left Valkyrie's mouth, Skulduggery jumped out of the car and pulled a gun from his coat. Kia watched Valkyrie do the same out of what looked like pure instinct. Kia was about to follow suit but Skulduggery yelled,
"Kia stay in the car," so she didn't move. From around the house, five men appeared but they had the same aura around them as the people in the cells had. They were dangerous.
"You killed our bretheren two nights ago, Mr. Pleasant. Now we will kill you," one of them said. Suddenly, all of them gripped at their stomachs as if they were in extreme pain.
"Valkyrie, now," Skulduggery said and Kia watched in amazement as he shot bullet after bullet in their direction but even as they grimaced in pain, the men were able to dodge. Then, just as the sun sank below the horizon and the last light disappeared, they grabbed their skin and ripped it off their bodies. Kia gagged. Underneath were the most terrifying creatures in the world. Thier skin was pale and sickly, their eyes were all black and fangs protruded from their teeth. Not small little incisors like the guys in her dream had but long, sharp fangs that could probably tear through metal. For the first time in her entire life, Kia was truly frightened. She was no longer angry at Skulduggery and Valkyrie. They had tried to protect her father hadn't they but against these monsters, just that the two of them survived was a miracle. No, now she was angry at the vampires. They were the ones who had killed her father. Her rage quickly over ran her danger sensors and she slipped out of the car.
"Kia, I told you to stay in the car," Skulduggery shouted as he threw fire ball after fire ball at the vampires. Valkyrie stood next to him shooting shadows with that ring of hers.
"I heard you," Kia said, so quietly that she wasn't sure that he heard her. She took a deep breath and jumped at the nearest vampire.
"Kia!" Valkyrie shouted but Kia ignored her. Instead she watched the vampire's movements. An important part of martial arts is being able to understand how your opponent moves. If you don't understand this, it becomes harder to defend and attack. So she faced off against that vampire. She would trust Skulduggery and Valkyrie to keep the other four away from her so that she could kill this one. She needed to get revenge after all.
"The vampires a couple nights ago, one of them killed my father," Kia only realized later how deadly her voice had sounded as she said that. The vampire in front of her stirred restlessly as Kia stared it straight in the eyes. They were fast and strong but they weren't professional fighters in any way. There was too much exsessive movement and they didn't plan ahead. Really, they were just animals. Kia shifted her weight slowly and carefully so that she was in a better position to dodge. Attacking right then would not have been the best idea. The vampire sensed the shift and dove at her. Kia simply sidestepped and turned to face the vampire again. This time, instead of jumping the vampire ran at her and swung his claws at her chest. Kia stepped back and brought her knee up to block the kick that he sent at her. She forgot that he had claws though and only noticed soon enough so that her only escape was to throw herself to the ground and roll. The vampire still managed to give her three symetical cuts along her calf. Kia tested her leg to see if she could put pressure on it and found that the cuts were still shallow. She didn't want to think about what would have happened if she had done it a second later. This vampire wasn't one of the guys at the gym. He was a real monster and Kia felt stupid for having to remind herself. She stood up again and then ducked under the swipe that he sent her way and slipped under his arm to that she stood an inch from his chest. Concentrating with all her might, Kia punched the vampire in the chest. Kia felt the energy flow through her hand and as her fist connected with the vampire's chest, a shockwave flew out and blasted it. The vampire flew backwards through the air, past Skulduggery and Valkyrie and hit the house with a sickening crunch. Kia swollowed at the guilt of having hurt yet another person but another part of her rejoiced. She would kill the demons that killed her father. She would kill all of them.

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