Thursday, June 28, 2012

Shockwave 5

Kia sat in the back of Skulduggery's Bently without saying a word. Every so often Valkyrie would look back at her and flash her a worried face. Kia still didn't understand what it was about.
"Will we get attacked by vampires again?" Kia asked.
"Probably not, we were able to kill the ones yesterday so they won't be coming back. Of course, others might still come."
Some anger slipped through her emotions defense.
"I hope they do," Kia said.
"Don't be so eager to fight vampires. They are very strong and fast. Essentially, they are nature's most powerful killing machine."
Kia didn't say anything but her calm defenses were crumbling and more and more anger was flooding in. These vampires had killed her father and now she was alone in the world. Was she just going to live home alone or would Skulduggery take care of her and what would Skulduggery do after having taught her everything? Would he just disappear or would she get to stay with him like Valkyrie? Kia felt a growing amount of desperation and it became harder and harder to breathe as her chest tightened. Just as she was ready to pull open the car door and jump out, she caught herself and began breathing again.
"Mr. Skulduggery?" she said.
"Where are we going? We've been driving for a long time now."
"Well, you see, the Sanctuary is in a small town a ways out from here called Roarhaven. It is a very nice town as well but anyway it takes a while to get there?"
"Isn't there some sort of magic to speed it up?"
"Well, we used to have a teleporter friend but something happened and we were forced to split up."
For some reason, as he said this he shot an angry glance at Valkyrie, who blushed into the collar of her jacket.
"Anyway, now we have to do it the old fasioned way. Sorry."
Kia shook her head to show that it was fine and relaxed back into the seat cusion still forcing herself to breathe. She didn't know how or when but some time along the way, she fell asleep, probably because of the calming effects. Unfortunately, the calming practices did not work in dreams.
Kia was walking down the street. It was the same street where she had met the guys a few months before. Actually, every detail was the same, including the five guys standing around the small defenseless girl. She must have been eighteen, at most and very pretty. Her soft blond hair fluttered around her shoulders as she hugged her purse to her chest trying to make herself as small as possible. One of the guys was leaning in towards her, his hand on the wall above her head. The other guys surrounded her and they laughed.
"Come on girlie, have some fun with us. It's just one night," the guy in front of her said. His words were echoed by the guys around him.
"One night.
"Come on, come on."

She somehow managed to make herself even smaller than she was as she said,
"Go away. Please leave me alone."
Her whispered plea was met only with laughter. Kia knew what would happen. She knew that in a second the guy in front of her would try to brush her hair back with his hand and the girl would slap it away. The guy would get mad and try to hit her and without meaning to, Kia's legs would drag her forward and her hand would catch the man's wrist just before his hand hit her cheek. Kia knew that as the guy turned to her angrily, she would punch him and then proceed to lose her mind and beat all the other guys till blood covered her knuckles and sneakers. The five guys would then be taken to the hospital when a passerby found them lying on the ground. Two had broken noses, one had a broken arm, one had three broken fingers, and the last one had a knife wound from when she took his and slashed his arms with it. Kia knew that would all happen and she wanted to stop it but when the guy raised his hand to hit her, she couldn't stop her feet from moving and stopping him. She couldn't stop the fist that flew at him and cleanly broke his nose in one smash and she couldn't stop everything that happened afterwards. This time it was worse though. Instead of only being aware of the anger and not so much her own actions, she was painfully aware of every bone she broke and every time her nails broke skin. She looked down on the scene that she had caused and felt bile rise up in her throat. She felt that she had to run far far away but her feet wouldn't move. Then, one by one the guys that she had knocked down stood up again. Their own blood coated their clothes and their expressions were full of anger and thirst. They took a step forward into better light and Kia saw fangs protruding from their sliced lips. She took a step back and then another. Just as she turned to run, they came at her at once. She felt hands on her back and on her legs and she began to fall. The pavement rushed up towards her face and-- She woke up and punched Skulduggery, who was leaning over her to wake her up in the face.

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