Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Shockwave 3

The room fell dead silent at his declaration. What had he just said? Her father was kind and gentle despite his appearance. There was no way what he said was true. Kia began to tremble and she stepped away from her father.
"What?" Skulduggery asked as politely as he could.
"I was scared and I reacted. Some kids walked up to me on the street and tried to mug me. He had a gun and I... I just reacted. I felt this magic in my eyes and I looked at him and I saw his mind and I saw everything he was thinking and I decided that I never wanted him to think again and the next thing I knew he dropped to the ground. I checked his pulse he was dead."
Kia's father dissolved into tears.
"Dad, it was just an accident. You didn't mean to."
Skulduggery looked at Kia gently.
"I'm afraid that I'm going to have to arrest you for that. Even in the magical world, murder is illegal."
"What? No!" Kia shouted. "You can't!"
Kia's father looked at him with calm, clear eyes.
"I will go to jail with you. I know that I deserve it even if I didn't understand my magic back then, I still killed the man and I am guitly."
Skulduggery moved forwards and pulled handcuffs out of his pocket.
"I am arresting you by the power invested in me by the Irish Sanctuary."
"No!" Kia shouted and she jumped in front of her father putting her hands up in front of her like a boxer. "You can't take him away from me."
Her father placed his large hand on her shoulder and stepped around her.
"I'm sorry honey. I'm very, very sorry,"he said and he held his wrists out in front of him and allowed Skulduggery to cuff him.
"Dad!" Kia yelled again but he just turned away.
"I need you to promise me something," he said, looking directly at Skulduggery. "Promise me that you will take care of her and make sure that she doesn't lose control like I did."
Kia looked at her father in desperation but she could see that he had made up his mind. As soon as she realized that, her whole mind cleared and she stood up straight again. This was his decision and he was doing it partly for her sake. It was because of his honor and his pride that he made that decision so she would just let him go. She felt more than saw Skulduggery look at her and he nodded.
"Okay, I promise. I will look after her."
Kia looked at her father again. He looked proud despite the handcuffs on his hands. His green eyes, the only trait Kia had inherited from him, stared anywhere but at her.
"Come home soon," was all that she said before she turned away and walked towards the stairs to her room. As she tried to keep herself from crying, she almost missed the last words she would ever hear him say.
"I love you Kia."

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