Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Shockwave 2

Since, I haven't written here in a while so I will continue to write a lot today. Yay!

"Magic?" Kia asked skeptically.
"What's your explanation?" the tall, thin man asked.
Kia fell silent because she had no explanation.
"You are unfortunately part of a recent wave of normal people who randomly developed magical powers. As far as we know this has never ever happened before and we are still trying to find the cause but in the meantime we are trying to teach the people who gained these powers how to control them."
Kia looked at him.
"I don't need your help." Her eyes became steel. "I only used it once and never again. Okay? I don't want it and I won't use it."
The tall man looked at her in surprise. Kia realized, for the first time that his blue eyes were a little unfocused.
"That's funny."
Kia started.
"What do you mean that's funny? I'm serious."
"Oh, I get that, I get that. It's just we've visited tons and tons of other people and to think that out of all of them, the one that would turn down their magic was a teenaged girl. Valkyrie, she is a lot more responsible than you are."
Valkyrie huffed.
"You're forgetting something Skulduggery," Valkyrie said.
"Am I?"
"We have a magical reading for this house that is very recent. There is no way that this girl hasn't been using it. This house is covered in magical leftover. That's how we found her."
"Ah, that's true. So you were lying. You have used your magic recently."
Kia shook her head.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I actually haven't used it in two weeks."
"Do you live alone?"
"No, I live with my dad."
Kia froze.
"Wait, you think my dad can do magic?"
Skulduggery looked at Kia with raised eyebrows.
"Well, I don't know anything," she said. "Please leave."
Skulduggery didn't do anything for a second and then proceeded to walk into her house.
"So, what time will your father be coming home?"
Kia barred his way.
"None of your business. Please get out."
"Well, you see I can't do that. We really do need to make sure your father isn't running amok with his magic so we will wait for him here."
"No, you won't. Get out of my house."
Skulduggery tried to step around Kia and she grabbed his wrist and twisted it quickly so that Skulduggery was forced to his knees. Valkyrie stepped forward to help out but seemed to think better of it.
"Well, I didn't expect that," Skulduggery said as he gently twisted himself out of her grip. He watched with half amused expression as Kia slipped into her martial arts defensive position.
"Look, we really don't want to hurt you," he said. He put his hands out in front of him to show that he had no tricks up his sleeve. Kia took that opportunity and slipped forward, quickly and smoothly, and grabbed his wrist and sent him flying across the room. He hit the other wall and slid down. Valkyrie, deciding that it was up to her to finish the fight, dove at Kia from behind and managed to slip her into a headlock just as a large man's frame filled the doorway. 
"Get your hands off of my daughter," the man said and he stepped into the light. Kia's father was an impressive man. He stood about 6' 4", and had a serious face which was now contorted into anger. 
"Dad!" Kia called out and grunted as Valkyrie shifted her weight causing Kia's neck to twist at an even stranger angle.
"I don't want to have to repeat myself," Kia's dad said.
"Valkyrie, let her go," Skulduggery said. Valkyrie, seeming to resent it a little, let Kia go.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
"We are people here from the Irish Sactuary to talk to you about your new abilities."
"It didn't really look like you were talking." Anger filled the man's voice and his eyes turned black. Literally. Not only his normally green irises but even the whites of his eyes had turned black.
"Dad!" Kia shouted as her father raised his hand and pointed at Skulduggery.
"Get out of my house," he yelled.
"Sir, we don't want to hurt you. All we want to do is help you control your powers. Is that so difficult?"
"I-I-I'm sorry," he said and his eyes regained their normal color.
"Dad!" Kia yelled again. She wasn't sure whether she was feeling disappointed or happy that he had let it go. She ran to his side and clutched at his large arm. Standing next to such a big man made her seem a lot younger than sixteen.
"I'm fine," he said. Then turning to Skulduggery. "Can you really teach me how to control my powers?"
"I can teach both of you," he said calmly.
"Both of us? Kia don't tell me you can do the same thing as me."
"Well, not the same thing I don't think. I mean my eyes don't turn black, I think but I can do some magic."
Kia's father lowered his head.
"Will you train her here or what?"
"Well up to this point, we have taken people to the Irish Sactuary for a while so that they can get used to their powers and once they are able to control them, we send them back home. We can change that system though, since both of you use magic and there's no one at the house to hide your powers from."
"Take her and leave me here," Kia's father said.
"What?" Kia shouted, jumping away from her father. "You're sending me away too? You're just like mom."
That last statement seemed to hit Kia's father harshly and his face contorted.
"I killed someone," he shouted and his voice filled the room.
"I killed someone."

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