Thursday, February 2, 2012

Kali Fanfiction 6

Kali recoiled and felt anger burn though the mist in her mind.
"What the hell?" she yelled at him and was about to slap him back when she registered the clarity of mind that she was experiencing. The symbol above her head was still as bright as before but now Kali could think clearly. She concentrated and calmly brought the world around her to a stop. She gently grabbed Alec's wrist and allowed the magic to flood over him so that he could be part of the time stop.
"So what do we do now?" Alec asked.
"What I should have done the first time," she said, grabbing one of the vampire's knifes and meticulously slicing each and every one of their throats. Alec helped. After having killed each of the vampires, Kali turned to her uncle and froze. Every memory of him flashed before her eyes. The good memories while her parents were still alive, the terrible memories of that night, and the memories of all the times that he had helped her since then. Without meaning to, Kali had not only begun to trust him but also care about him in a strange messed-up way.
"What's wrong?" Alec asked.
"I can't do it. I can't kill him. He made my life hell and I can't even hurt him," Kali yelled at him, tears streaming down her face.
"May I?" Kali nodded and closed her eyes as Alec cut his throat.
The moment Kali heard the soft snick of Alec's knife sliding into her uncle's chest, she allowed time to continue at it's own pace. All around her, vampires exploded into blood, and though her uncle called out to her time after time, Kali kept her eyes stubbornly shut until his cries and whispers stopped cutting straight through her heart.
"Let's go," she said to Alec and walked out.

I know, it was a sucky ending but I lost interest so it wasn't going to get better. Maybe if I regain interest I'll come back and edit it or something. Anyway, it's over. THE END.

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