Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Fanfic

I have gotten over my very long period of writers block and I am ready to write. Here is the first part of a new fanfiction that I had the idea for about ten seconds ago.

Kali jumped through the window and concentrated. As the glass shattered into a wave around her, time froze. She tried to move through the air. It was like moving through honey as the magic tried to keep her from falling to the ground. As soon as the tip of her left boot touched the ground, the air returned to normal. Maneuvering around the glass shards in the air, Kali walked to where a vampire hung suspended in mid air. His face was distorted into an ugly snarl and his right hand reached out to where Kali had been before. Kali slipped a knife out of her belt and cut off the vampire's head. There seemed to be no change. No blood dripped from the cut and his head stayed on his neck. Kali stepped back and let go of the magic. The vampire's eyes widened in surprise as it registered two things. One was that his prey was no longer in front of him and the other was that his head was no longer attached to his neck. With a spray of blood it fell to the floor along with the shards of glass and the vampire's body landed next to it. Kali sighed in relief. Her magic was temperamental at best and at times she couldn't use it and others it happened without her wanting it to. She was lucky that it had decided to come to her at that moment. A second longer and the vampire would have had her. Now the question was why had the vampire wanted her. She sheathed her knife into her belt and pulled a necklace out of her pocket. It was made of deep green beads and it had a black obsidian pendant. Kali's mother had given it to her before she died and Kali didn't go anywhere without it. Not for sentimental value but because it had a special quality that his her from mortal eyes. Any mage would see through it in a second but she was invisible to humans. She walked out of the house that she had walked into and called a representative form the Sanctuary to come clean up her mess. Then she jumped up and landed neatly on the hood of a car, freezing time for just a second as soon as her feet hit so that the inertia wouldn't throw her to the other end of town. She as it moved to the left turn lane she jumped to another car. She didn't want to go left. In this way, freezing time as much as she could, she made her way into town. Washington D. C. wasn't just the political capital of the US, it was also the magical capital and hidden under the Capitol Building was a whole other building: The Sanctuary. She made her way down to the visitor's entrance, using her invisibility to get past the guards. Most of the Sanctuary officials had badges that would get them in easily but it would be weird if a fifteen-year-old girl had an official badge so she had to be a little more creative. She slipped into a maintenance elevator and waited for the doors to slide closed before putting her hand on the back wall which opened to a long, white hallway that resembled a high tech science facility. At the end of the hall, she put her hand onto a fingerprint scanner that read her magical fingerprint. Apparently everyone had a different one and it was impossible to fool. The door slid open to reveal a large circular room. Hallways branched out in every direction and the room was bustling with people. If you worked in the Sanctuary, you walked through that room at least once everyday because it was the center of the whole operation. Everyone called it The Atrium. Kali made her way straight across the room slipping off her necklace as she went. There was only one door that did not lead to a hallway from the Atrium and that was the Grand Mage's office. Kali walked in without kicking. A man who looked to be in his twenties but was actually more like seventy, looked up from his work as she walked in. Instead of being irritated a most people would have, he just smiled.
"Hello Kali. How my I help you?"
"I was attacked today by a vampire. I know he was rogue or anything because he activated some pager thing or something. Here it is."
Kali threw the small black device that had been in her pocket at The Grand Mage and he held it gently in his hands.
"I'll have some specialists look into it. They will most likely be able to track the signal. We'll find out what the vampire wanted."
"Thank you."
"Um, Kali? Are you okay?"
Kali didn't want to know if the worry that she saw in her uncle's dark eyes was genuine or not. He had hurt her too many times before. Of course, that didn't mean that she couldn't use his influence but she didn't want him to think that she cared.
"I'm fine."

Kali walked to her house. The Grand Mage would take care of everything. She trusted him to do that much at least for her. Her apartment was just around the corner when she felt something come over her mouth and nose. The overwhelming smell of chloroform filled her nostrils and though she fought to stay conscious, she felt herself slip away and everything went dark

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