Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fanfic 2`

When Kali woke up, she was tied up in a dark room. The air was heavy and stale and tasted like mold. She struggled against her bonds but couldn't get them looser.
"Hey, you awake?" a voice said from the darkness.
"Who's there?" Kali asked.
"Well, there's a bunch of us. We were all kidnapped, same as you. We're all tied up and we can't get free."
"How many are there?"
"Twenty-four, including you and me. I was the first and I think I've been here for a week. I can't really tell time down here but Jason says that today is Thursday. What's your name?"
"Kali. You?"
Suddenly a door a few feet above them, opened. In the dim light that it provided, Kali could see at least twenty vampires walk down the stairs and start to untie the people there. Alec had been right about their numbers. There were twenty sorcerers together in the room, all of different ages and, as far as Kali could tell, no connection to each other.n The vampire that untied her, hauled her to her feet and gripped her arm painfully hard. Even if she did use her magic, she wouldn't have been able to loosen his grip so she just followed along in his wake, unable to do anything. They were all taken to a large room. It had a tall roof and a marble floor.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen," a tall vampire at the front of the room said. "You have all been brought together for the purpose of destroying the world. You see you twenty-four mages were chosen for having the strongest minds in the world. A single blast of your minds together could hypnotize everyone all around the world. And if we tell them to obey every order given to them by a vampire..." An evil grin spread across the head vampire's face and Kali shrunk back.
"What makes you think that we will do what you say?" Alec asked, boldly stepping forward.
"You don't have to do what I say because you don' t have to do anything. All you have to do is stand there and think. My psychic friend here will just channel your brainwaves and send out the message that we want to create." Alec stepped back, his eyes wide. Kali looked around for a way to escape but couldn't find anywhere. What could she do? She couldn't hold time still long enough to do anything.
"I have a question. Why twenty-four?"
"It is the minimum number of minds needed to complete the process."
Kali grinned at him and grabbed a dagger off her belt.
"So if I were to kill myself?"
"Stop her," the vampire screamed and that was the last thing that Kali heard before she plunged the dagger into her stomach.
The vampire glared at her and watched as she pulled a dagger out of her jacket and plunged into her heart.

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