Friday, June 10, 2011

Jay and Vade part 5

It's been a while. I lost track of the story and wrote something really wrong and annoying. I hate writer's block. Anyway, here is part five.

Later that night, after getting all the mud out of their hair they waited in the dark for the monster to show up. It was raining lightly, and after an hour outside, Jay and Vade were soaked through. They hadn’t said a word but if they had it would have come out in a shivering stutter. Finally, the darkness appeared.

“You know this plan could go wrong in so many ways,” Jay said.

“Hey, where’s your enthusiasm?”

“I don’t know, probably with your cynicism.”

Vade laughed.

“Well, here goes nothing,” he said but instead of running to draw out the darkness, he pulled Jay close and kissed her.

It was short but it spread warmth through Jay’s body. Before she could really register what happened Vade dashed off into the rain. She watched after him for a little and then ran through the main road, crashing into just about every person that had decided to step out of his or her house that night. There weren’t that many but there were enough to slow her down considerably. She rounded a corner onto a quieter street and kept on running, taking the corners faster than she should have, and her feet skidding on the wet ground. Finally, she made it. She slid in though the maintenance door and ran through the corridors to the control room. It had an open view of the whole stadium. She waited until she saw Vade running in from the far corner. The dark thing had almost reached him.

“Just a little farther,” she whispered to herself and when the monster made it to the middle of the field she flicked on the lights.

Every light in the stadium flashed on illuminating the whole field with blinding, white light. Jay heard a loud screeching sound that grated on her ears and it took her a moment to realize it was the monster screaming. She ran out to the field as fast as she could and got there just in time to see the monster killed its eighth victim.

Vade stood in the middle of the field with a triumphant look on his face. He waved to her as she ran out, his back to the darkness. Jay saw it send three tendrils of darkness shooting at Vade. Jay screamed his name but it was too late and she knew it. The tendrils of darkness hit their mark and tore through Vade’s body. The Darkness dissolved completely and vanished. Jay ran to Vade, tears filling her eyes. She touched his face looking for some life but he was dead. She wasn’t sure how long she sat in the rain for, Vade’s blood mixing with the rain and the soil in the ground. Jay’s phone rang in her pocket, the ringtone cutting through the quiet like a knife. Jay picked up. It was her mom, hysterical because it was three in the morning and Jay still wasn’t home. Jay tried to reassure her that everything was fine and she was on her way home, but her mom must have heard something in her voice because she started panicking even more. Jay ran home as fast as she could. She needed her mom to hug her, but when she burst in through the door, she saw her mom’s worried face. She couldn’t make her worry more.

“Honey, you’re all wet.”

“Yeah, sorry the movie started a little late and after we went to the park to play in the rain. It was lots of fun.”

Jay forced a smile on her face.

“Well, go take a shower and have something warm to eat. Then you go to bed.”

Jay nodded. It had been a long time since her mom had babied her and Jay realized she must have been more worried than she had imagined.

“Sorry for worrying you, Mom. I really didn’t want to.”

She hugged her mom and took a shower. Even under the warm water she shivered. She closed her eyes and saw Vade’s body and broke down. She cried long and hard, her tears mixing with the water of the shower and her sobs masked by the noise.

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