Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fanfiction 3

Kali heard a yell, as the vampires lunged at her, trying to fix the damage that was already done but when they looked again, Kali was gone and in her place was a reflection. Already outside the building, Kali snickered as she heard their cries of despair and ran as fast as she could to the nearest car. At last second, she had frozen time and found the nearest mirror. She had quickly done the spell and brought her reflection to life.
"Go stand the way I was standing and kill yourself."
The reflection nodded and as time unfroze, she plunged the dagger into her chest. Kali felt sorry for it and promised to return it to the mirror as soon as she could. The vampires had been smart enough to take her cell phone away so Kali would have to use the cars to get to the Sanctuary. Then she saw a Porsche Carrera parked by the road. The temptation was too much to resist and a few minutes later she was zooming along the road maybe a little faster than she should have been. It was late though and not many people were around. She wasn't even stopped by a police man as she zoomed into town. The Grand Mage, having no life outside of his office, usually stayed there late into the night and Kali expected him to still be there. She dashed into the Capitol, her magical signature unlocking the doors as she went. Finally, she burst into The Grand Mage's office, where she found him working.
"Uncle, I was kidnapped by a group of vampires. I need your help there are other people there. You have to save them."
The Grand Mage looked up.
"You trust me. I knew that at some point you would but you are very very stubborn. A month ago you would have gone to someone else, anyone else really, but now it's too late."
Kali blinked and turned to leave but a gust of wind sent the door slamming shut.
"I must take you back to them. You see, I am helping them out. They needed the ability to stay inconspicuous and as Grand Mage, well, I could give them that. All the kidnapping files came to my desk and then were thrown away. No one knows what is going on."
Kali tried to freeze time but before she could summon the magic, her uncle threw her back into the wall behind her and bound her magic with handcuffs.
"Don't be silly. Come on now."
He put her necklace around her neck and put one of him own on. No one on the street would be able to help them no one would be able to save her. The Grand Mage picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the Sanctuary. The eyes of the few people that they met, passed over them as they made their way home. None of them were mages and Kali was beginning to despair. She started to scream and shout but her uncle gagged her by taking the air away from her lips. Sound needed a medium to travel. He put her in his car and drove her back to the house where everyone was being held. Kali saw a man with a phone in his pocket reporting a stolen car to the police. Oops. In seconds, Kali was back in the room of the house and the vampires were leering at her.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fanfic 2`

When Kali woke up, she was tied up in a dark room. The air was heavy and stale and tasted like mold. She struggled against her bonds but couldn't get them looser.
"Hey, you awake?" a voice said from the darkness.
"Who's there?" Kali asked.
"Well, there's a bunch of us. We were all kidnapped, same as you. We're all tied up and we can't get free."
"How many are there?"
"Twenty-four, including you and me. I was the first and I think I've been here for a week. I can't really tell time down here but Jason says that today is Thursday. What's your name?"
"Kali. You?"
Suddenly a door a few feet above them, opened. In the dim light that it provided, Kali could see at least twenty vampires walk down the stairs and start to untie the people there. Alec had been right about their numbers. There were twenty sorcerers together in the room, all of different ages and, as far as Kali could tell, no connection to each other.n The vampire that untied her, hauled her to her feet and gripped her arm painfully hard. Even if she did use her magic, she wouldn't have been able to loosen his grip so she just followed along in his wake, unable to do anything. They were all taken to a large room. It had a tall roof and a marble floor.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen," a tall vampire at the front of the room said. "You have all been brought together for the purpose of destroying the world. You see you twenty-four mages were chosen for having the strongest minds in the world. A single blast of your minds together could hypnotize everyone all around the world. And if we tell them to obey every order given to them by a vampire..." An evil grin spread across the head vampire's face and Kali shrunk back.
"What makes you think that we will do what you say?" Alec asked, boldly stepping forward.
"You don't have to do what I say because you don' t have to do anything. All you have to do is stand there and think. My psychic friend here will just channel your brainwaves and send out the message that we want to create." Alec stepped back, his eyes wide. Kali looked around for a way to escape but couldn't find anywhere. What could she do? She couldn't hold time still long enough to do anything.
"I have a question. Why twenty-four?"
"It is the minimum number of minds needed to complete the process."
Kali grinned at him and grabbed a dagger off her belt.
"So if I were to kill myself?"
"Stop her," the vampire screamed and that was the last thing that Kali heard before she plunged the dagger into her stomach.
The vampire glared at her and watched as she pulled a dagger out of her jacket and plunged into her heart.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Fanfic

I have gotten over my very long period of writers block and I am ready to write. Here is the first part of a new fanfiction that I had the idea for about ten seconds ago.

Kali jumped through the window and concentrated. As the glass shattered into a wave around her, time froze. She tried to move through the air. It was like moving through honey as the magic tried to keep her from falling to the ground. As soon as the tip of her left boot touched the ground, the air returned to normal. Maneuvering around the glass shards in the air, Kali walked to where a vampire hung suspended in mid air. His face was distorted into an ugly snarl and his right hand reached out to where Kali had been before. Kali slipped a knife out of her belt and cut off the vampire's head. There seemed to be no change. No blood dripped from the cut and his head stayed on his neck. Kali stepped back and let go of the magic. The vampire's eyes widened in surprise as it registered two things. One was that his prey was no longer in front of him and the other was that his head was no longer attached to his neck. With a spray of blood it fell to the floor along with the shards of glass and the vampire's body landed next to it. Kali sighed in relief. Her magic was temperamental at best and at times she couldn't use it and others it happened without her wanting it to. She was lucky that it had decided to come to her at that moment. A second longer and the vampire would have had her. Now the question was why had the vampire wanted her. She sheathed her knife into her belt and pulled a necklace out of her pocket. It was made of deep green beads and it had a black obsidian pendant. Kali's mother had given it to her before she died and Kali didn't go anywhere without it. Not for sentimental value but because it had a special quality that his her from mortal eyes. Any mage would see through it in a second but she was invisible to humans. She walked out of the house that she had walked into and called a representative form the Sanctuary to come clean up her mess. Then she jumped up and landed neatly on the hood of a car, freezing time for just a second as soon as her feet hit so that the inertia wouldn't throw her to the other end of town. She as it moved to the left turn lane she jumped to another car. She didn't want to go left. In this way, freezing time as much as she could, she made her way into town. Washington D. C. wasn't just the political capital of the US, it was also the magical capital and hidden under the Capitol Building was a whole other building: The Sanctuary. She made her way down to the visitor's entrance, using her invisibility to get past the guards. Most of the Sanctuary officials had badges that would get them in easily but it would be weird if a fifteen-year-old girl had an official badge so she had to be a little more creative. She slipped into a maintenance elevator and waited for the doors to slide closed before putting her hand on the back wall which opened to a long, white hallway that resembled a high tech science facility. At the end of the hall, she put her hand onto a fingerprint scanner that read her magical fingerprint. Apparently everyone had a different one and it was impossible to fool. The door slid open to reveal a large circular room. Hallways branched out in every direction and the room was bustling with people. If you worked in the Sanctuary, you walked through that room at least once everyday because it was the center of the whole operation. Everyone called it The Atrium. Kali made her way straight across the room slipping off her necklace as she went. There was only one door that did not lead to a hallway from the Atrium and that was the Grand Mage's office. Kali walked in without kicking. A man who looked to be in his twenties but was actually more like seventy, looked up from his work as she walked in. Instead of being irritated a most people would have, he just smiled.
"Hello Kali. How my I help you?"
"I was attacked today by a vampire. I know he was rogue or anything because he activated some pager thing or something. Here it is."
Kali threw the small black device that had been in her pocket at The Grand Mage and he held it gently in his hands.
"I'll have some specialists look into it. They will most likely be able to track the signal. We'll find out what the vampire wanted."
"Thank you."
"Um, Kali? Are you okay?"
Kali didn't want to know if the worry that she saw in her uncle's dark eyes was genuine or not. He had hurt her too many times before. Of course, that didn't mean that she couldn't use his influence but she didn't want him to think that she cared.
"I'm fine."

Kali walked to her house. The Grand Mage would take care of everything. She trusted him to do that much at least for her. Her apartment was just around the corner when she felt something come over her mouth and nose. The overwhelming smell of chloroform filled her nostrils and though she fought to stay conscious, she felt herself slip away and everything went dark

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Okay so right now I'm listening to I Feel Pretty/ Unpretty by Glee and I keep pressing the replay button. A lot of people have something against Glee but really everyone has to admit that they make good music. Even though the second season has no plot as far as I can tell, the music is still amazing. Here is a link to Pretty/Unpretty:

Watch it and you will press replay.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Jay and Vade part 5

It's been a while. I lost track of the story and wrote something really wrong and annoying. I hate writer's block. Anyway, here is part five.

Later that night, after getting all the mud out of their hair they waited in the dark for the monster to show up. It was raining lightly, and after an hour outside, Jay and Vade were soaked through. They hadn’t said a word but if they had it would have come out in a shivering stutter. Finally, the darkness appeared.

“You know this plan could go wrong in so many ways,” Jay said.

“Hey, where’s your enthusiasm?”

“I don’t know, probably with your cynicism.”

Vade laughed.

“Well, here goes nothing,” he said but instead of running to draw out the darkness, he pulled Jay close and kissed her.

It was short but it spread warmth through Jay’s body. Before she could really register what happened Vade dashed off into the rain. She watched after him for a little and then ran through the main road, crashing into just about every person that had decided to step out of his or her house that night. There weren’t that many but there were enough to slow her down considerably. She rounded a corner onto a quieter street and kept on running, taking the corners faster than she should have, and her feet skidding on the wet ground. Finally, she made it. She slid in though the maintenance door and ran through the corridors to the control room. It had an open view of the whole stadium. She waited until she saw Vade running in from the far corner. The dark thing had almost reached him.

“Just a little farther,” she whispered to herself and when the monster made it to the middle of the field she flicked on the lights.

Every light in the stadium flashed on illuminating the whole field with blinding, white light. Jay heard a loud screeching sound that grated on her ears and it took her a moment to realize it was the monster screaming. She ran out to the field as fast as she could and got there just in time to see the monster killed its eighth victim.

Vade stood in the middle of the field with a triumphant look on his face. He waved to her as she ran out, his back to the darkness. Jay saw it send three tendrils of darkness shooting at Vade. Jay screamed his name but it was too late and she knew it. The tendrils of darkness hit their mark and tore through Vade’s body. The Darkness dissolved completely and vanished. Jay ran to Vade, tears filling her eyes. She touched his face looking for some life but he was dead. She wasn’t sure how long she sat in the rain for, Vade’s blood mixing with the rain and the soil in the ground. Jay’s phone rang in her pocket, the ringtone cutting through the quiet like a knife. Jay picked up. It was her mom, hysterical because it was three in the morning and Jay still wasn’t home. Jay tried to reassure her that everything was fine and she was on her way home, but her mom must have heard something in her voice because she started panicking even more. Jay ran home as fast as she could. She needed her mom to hug her, but when she burst in through the door, she saw her mom’s worried face. She couldn’t make her worry more.

“Honey, you’re all wet.”

“Yeah, sorry the movie started a little late and after we went to the park to play in the rain. It was lots of fun.”

Jay forced a smile on her face.

“Well, go take a shower and have something warm to eat. Then you go to bed.”

Jay nodded. It had been a long time since her mom had babied her and Jay realized she must have been more worried than she had imagined.

“Sorry for worrying you, Mom. I really didn’t want to.”

She hugged her mom and took a shower. Even under the warm water she shivered. She closed her eyes and saw Vade’s body and broke down. She cried long and hard, her tears mixing with the water of the shower and her sobs masked by the noise.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

JV Part 4

Jay was running. Again. Vade stumbled behind her and fell into a puddle. She turned around and laughed, but her grin became a shout of surprise as Vade pulled her down with him. She picked up a glop of mud rubbing it into his black hair, making it brown. His icy blue eyes stared up at her and she knew she had to run. Her shorts were muddy and her sandals were probably ruined, but today was picnic day where everyone in their apartment buildings drove an hour out of the city to a huge meadow. The fact that it had rained and the ground was a mess meant nothing. Vade caught her around the waist and threw her down into the tall grass. He drew a line with the mud down her nose and two across her cheeks.

"You're an Indian now."

She swiped a fist at him but he ducked. They both laughed and lay down in the wet grass. Jay could feel it seeping through her clothes but the summer air was warm and it didn’t bother her.

"So what are we going to do about that black blob thing?" Vade asked.

"Aw, spoilsport," Jay complained, but she knew that he was right and they had to talk about it.

That monster had already killed seven people and he was adding another to the list each night.

"I don't know. Everything we throw at it has no effect at all. He only disappears when we get to a crowded street."

"That's not true, remember, three nights ago we went to that park, there were bums everywhere but he still came. Scared them silly."

Jay laughed.

"Then why does he disappear?"

They were both silent as they thought about it. Suddenly the sun poked through the clouds and shone right in Jay’s eyes. She flinched and closed her eyes instinctively.

"I know. What about light? It seems to be made of darkness and the main streets are always well lit."

"Okay, say its weakness is light what do we do? How do we force it somewhere with lights? Or do we attack it with flashlights?"

"We make him chase somewhere dark and then we turn on the lights."

"Good plan."

Saturday, June 4, 2011

JV Part 3

The next day, Vade found Jay at her regular spot: the park's basketball courts. No one ever went there and that was how she liked it. She dribbled the ball a couple times and shot. Swish. A three-pointer. Vade picked up the ball as it rolled off the court and tossed it back at her. Swish. Another one. It didn't hit the backboard, and it didn't touch the rim. A perfect arc. Every time.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Get it in every single time?"

Jay shrugged.

"I just do."

And she proceeded to get another one in.

"You should try out for the basketball team."

Jay shrugged again.

She was pretty. Her hair was light brown, almost blond, with honey colored highlights. It fell in waves just past her shoulders, framing her tanned face beautifully. She was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, covered by her leather jacket and black leather boots that hugged her calves.

"You want to know what I think?" Vade asked, stealing the ball from her.

"Not particularly."

"I think that you could do anything you want. You're smart, pretty, and incredible at basketball, and yet you do nothing. Your grades are average, but I’ve seen you learn things from Jim and the others so well. You have no friends at school but you charm everyone at the bar. If you tried, you could be the most popular girl in school. And I've seen you play basketball and yet, you are playing here, in an empty park all alone. Don’t bother with telling me you don’t have time because that is a terrible excuse. You’re free most afternoons. What I think is that you don't care enough to do anything worth doing and you are scared that you won't meet people's expectations. You have to give it a shot, take a leap and see what happens." The ball left his hands, soaring in an arc, hitting the rim and bouncing to Jay. She took the ball and threw it. Swish.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

JV Part 2

They said goodbye at the bottom of two apartment buildings and entered them. Vade went to his apartment on the 8th floor. Jay went to her apartment on the 7th. Her mother asked her if she’d had fun with her friends at the mall. Jay nodded. She felt bad lying but she knew it was necessary. The world of magic was not for everyone and her mother was still weak from when her father left. Jay hated him for being such a bad husband but was grateful that he had been such a bad father. After all, if he’d been responsible she never would have found out about the world of magic that she lived in. Jay’s mom had gone out one night with her friends when Jay was nine. Her father, who was supposed to be babysitting her, took her to his regular place: the bar. She had stood in a corner, trying not to be noticed and a boy her age had caught her eye. He had black hair and blue eyes. He had been watching a man play with fire. Jay, feeling alone, had walked up to him and asked him how the man did that and he answered, “Magic.” Jay had laughed. At nine she knew that magic didn’t exist. “No, it’s true. Most mortals don’t know about it. I do though. My dad was magic, before he died. It’s true.” After a night of watching the man with fire, Jay started to believe. When Jay’s mom’s book club meetings became a regular thing, Jay’s visits to the bar became more and more frequent until she started going to the bar without her father to learn about the magic. A young man, Jim, took her under his wing and started to teach her to fight. She learned quickly and soon she became a regular at the bar. Every magical person there knew her by the time she was twelve. When she was thirteen, a detective invited her to fight a magical murderer. She had broken three bones and gotten pretty badly bruised, but they caught him in the end. A magical scientist fixed her up in less than an hour and she returned home with only a few bruises. It was the most fun she’d ever had. The detective was killed when she was fourteen, but Jay didn’t stop solving murders and after a while Vade joined her. Together they’d been solving crimes for a little over a year. There was a bad side of course. Her attention at school was lacking and she had no friends except Vade. When she was solving a case she had very little time for anything else and she found herself lying time and time again to her mother. Despite that, she wouldn’t have traded it for the world.